“Watch the wind moving over the shimmering surface, as if it was making love to the barley.” (Sting)
Sing & make music that suits the relaxed feel of late summer in the south.
Work on your favourite music in small groups. Sing in a band, group or choir. Under professional guidance. Backline (PA, keyboard, rhythm) available.
Pop, rock, funk, folk, jazz, early music, classical, … Bring your favourite repertoire.
All day/week or just parts of it if you prefer. Program and timetable will be decided together on the spot.
Trial performances and a fun outing at the end of the week.

Creative work, guided by choir director and bandcoaches.
Creativity accelerates by diversity & challenges: different nationalities, diversing levels, chamber music to heavy metal, youngsters (13+) and elderlies. Small circustents, meadows and forest will be our ‘home’. Churches in nearby villages too.
Because participants are being expected from different countries, the main language will be (poor) english.

Pieter van Leeuwen is an all-round musician and our musical leader and band coach. Anke Kuiper is our choirmaster. She prepares the choirs repertoire from rock to baroque and leads us in an enthusiastic way. Wim van der Zanden joins us as an experienced guitar player & singer.

Daily from 10.30h coffee/tea and the choir rehearses until 13:00, except for thursday. Vocal coach available, one-on-one if you prefer.
All day long small groups play their favorite music. Backlines (keys, PA, rhythm) available. Open stage, silent disco, and two public performances incl. hot-meals & an acoustic one in 11th church church St. Martial incl. lunch.

No experience required, enthousiasm the more.
Some musical experience will be welcomed, but if not, you’ll be welcome too. We feel that creativity accelerates by diversity & challenges.
We pursue different nationalities, chamber music to pop/rock and youngsters plus elderlies. Minimum age is 13 years.

The group will be 30-40 people. Lots of individual coaching and support can be given. Music-lessons cannot be expected.
Because participants from different countries are being expected, the main language will be (wrong) english.

Honest naturist ambiance, where everybody is welcome, also non-naturists as most of us are. Accommodations from simple to ‘glamping’. Wide range of cultural & sports activities. Restaurant & bar. Daily fresh bread. Supplementary food available in the camping-shop. Big supermarket in the nearby village.
Creuse Nature is our host. Friendly & comfortable, mid-size family-owned campsite in the green, unspoiled & sparsely populated heart of France. Summers dry, not too hot. Sites spacious.
300 km / 200 miles south of Paris. Also to be reached by high-speed trains (Châteauroux, Montluçon): transfer from a mileage fee can be arranged.

At shared costs of €195,- (= some £165,-) p.p. excl. your accommodation.
We expect to enjoy working with you and do it not-for-profit. Sharing the costs is sufficient. Like for our workspaces, sheet music/copyrights, the use of instruments and amplifiers, professional coaching and 1 communal meal. For that you’re asked to contribute € 195,- (= some £165,-) per participant. You’ll find our annulation terms after you pressed the button ‘Register now’, before you pay.
Your accommodation is not included in this price, to allow you chosing the level of comfort you prefer, regarding its availability. From a spacious camping spot for your own tent, caravan or camper in the sun or shade at the lake or in the forest , to a luxury safari-tent or eco-house. Check possibilities & prices and finalise your booking at the reservation page of Creuse Nature.
Don’t you hesitate to call on us here if you have any question