Work on your favourite music in small groups. Sing in a band, group or choir. Professional accompaniment and backline (PA, keyboard, rhythm) available. Folk, pop, funk, rock, jazz, early music, alternative rock and classical are welcome. With taster performances and a fun outing at the end. As participants are expected from different countries, the working language is (poorly) English.
Experience is not required, enthusiasm all the more. Creativity accelerates through diversity and challenges. Therefore, we aim for a group with different nationalities, various levels, from chamber music to heavy metal, youngsters and older. Minimum age is 13. Singing and making music can also be done in the forest and at the lake. Informal stages for try-outs available.

Targeted and creative programme. In small groups and bands, you work at your own favourite repertoire. For a choir, the conductor brings a varied repertoire. Music lessons cannot be expected. Evening try-outs in front of (your own) audience can be given. We work towards informal trial performances at the end of the week, also acoustic.