Working in and with a diverse group of like-minded musical people creates inspiration. Music connects and challenge stimulates creativity. So women & men, young & old, diverse cultures and languages and genres from baroque to heavy metal: feel welcome and appreciated! Musical experience such as singing, playing an instrument or reading scores is not a condition: interest is enough and enthusiasm all the more! If you did make music or sang before, you will step into a familiar world, inspire others and be challenged, perhaps also in your coaching abilities.
Play your favorite music in small groups. Sing in a band, small group or the choire. Backline available (PA, keyboard, rhythm). Only young children also depend on parental support, which parents in turn give. This complicates things so much that we opt for 13+. As participants are being expected from different countries, the working language is (poorly) English.

Experienced musicians, musical coaches and a professional choir director have developed a programme and will contribute to plenary sessions and in small groups. Even individually if more convenient, but music lessons should not be expected.
Medium-sized family campsites with comfortable and adventurous facilities in Limousin, France and Central Jutland, Denmark will welcome us and provide a safe and inspiring working environment. Local facilities such as churches and terraces will be available for trial performances for (our own) audiences. Travel compagnions are welcome too. Walking and biking tours, natural highlights, cultural history and interesting cities are nearby.