Corona made things extra difficult for months now. Don’t you now – just like us – long for making music and / or singing together?
Now, the spread of the virus has become manageable. The borders in Europe are open again. We got used to more hygiene, different ways of greetings and keeping a distance. So, we dare inviting you to our Holiday of Music and Singing from August 15 to 22 August 2020 at Creuse Nature in Boussac, Limousin, France.
The Creuse is a remote region, where no new contamination with Corona has been detected since the half of June 2020. All prescribed restrictions are strictly observed at our location. We sing outside and in small groups, instead of a big choir. All performances take place at a large stage and are accessible only to a small audience.
One week of concentrated and creative working on your music, rhythm and / or voice, with some 20 other enthusiasts and interested people, in a free and safe holiday atmosphere. Play your favorite music in small music groups. Sing in small singing groups. Try to sing in a band. Experience not requested, enthusiasm the more!